August Schubert and Ida Merz were married 1900 and began raising theirfamily in the shadow of their parents around the York Creek-Geronimo werethey were both born. Later August and Ida moved from the YorkCreek-Geronimo area moving his family to Kingsberry where August triedhis hand at running a butcher shop between about 1900-1910. August andIda had their only son F. A. in 1901 shortly after their marriage.About 1912 when they broke up the Driscoll Ranch, August and otherrelatives moved to the Banquette area and he purchased a farm off of fmrd. 665 between Driscoll and Alice. Dad said it was very close to thelarge gas well that blew out right off the highway. During a down turn inthe economy about 1914, August was forced to give up his farm. Later hedid share cropping for a Mr. Schultz west of Banquette, Texas. Over thenext 20 years, August and Ida earned their living farming outside ofBanquet. During this period that the family lived on the Schultz farmbetween about 1915-1935 August and Ida had their second child Gertrude in1916. Mr. Schultz built some nice homes on his places and Dad said theywere very proud of their accommodations. Evidently the old farms houseshad large porches because according to Rosa Lee nee Emshoff Schubert itwas at a dance held on the porch of Ida and August's home that she metand later married Elmor Brune "Slick" Schubert, one of Otto's children.Dad said the farms all had nice Barns too. During the Depression era, F.A. had secured a good job at a refinery outside of Banquette. He gotAugust a job at the same location, south of Banquette, about 1935 atwhich time he and Ida moved to Banquette to live the remainder of theirdays. The property that they built their home on was next to F. A. 'shouse. Dad said that August worked at the plant until his death orretired shortly before his death. As the 40s began, August, who was inhis 60s by now faired World War II as every one else did and at the ageof 73 he died August 08, 1951. Ida continued to live in their home inBanquette until her death in 1963.
Ida was a beautifully kind great grandmother that had a heavy Germanaccent. She showered all her great grandchildren with much affection andas I recall never said an unkind word about anyone. She was surely agreat helpmate to August during his lifetime and was loved by all.
Copied from the archives of the Sophien Museum in new BraunfelsNewspaper H2-1963 April 5, 1963
MRS. AUGUST SCHUBERT, 83, nee Ida Merz, died March 25, at Robstown. She aborn in New Braunfels August 21, 1879, the daughter of John and ElisaStrempel Merz. She attended Watson School and grew up in Comal County. In1900, she was married to August Schubert and they lived on a farm nearWatson School,then in Kingsberry,and at Robstown Her husband died in1951. Survivors include a son,
Ferdinand of Banquette; a daughter Mrs. J.W. Clearman of Robstown; Threebrothers Alwin Merz of York Creek, Harry Merz of Kingsberry and BrunoMerz of New Braunfels; three sisters Mrs. Alma Schubert, Mrs. Max Dumenilad Mrs. Oscar Trapp, all of New Braunfels; seven grandchildren andseveral great grandchildren. Funeral services was conducted in Robstownand grave side services here held at Yorks Creek Cemetery. The Rev.Richard F. Kurtetach, pastor of First Protestant United Church of Christ,conducted the grave side service.
Evans' moved to Banquete after beginning his family in Collins County,Texas and raising several of his children to adulthood. Evans was stillliving Collins County at the 1910 Census but had moved to Nueces Countyby the 1920 Census. What prompted Evans to move may have been theavailability of land in the area or his desire to begin a generalmerchandise store that he ran in Banquete, Texas.
Daisy had 11 children. 9 were alive at the 1910 Census.
Moved to Kelso Washington in 1903 where he passed away and his body wasreturned to Hutto where he was buried in the Hutto Cemetery in Hutto,Texas
Hutto, Texas, February 25, 1919. On the evening of February 6, 1919the Death Angel came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hutto and called himfrom this walk of life to the life beyond the grave.
Charles W. Hutto was born on May 20, 1855, in the town that bears hisname and where his body was laid to await the general resurrection. Hespent his life in his home town until 1903 when he moved to Washingtonand it was here the Death Angel found him to give him his summons toappear before God to give an account. After his funeral sermon had beenpreached in Washington, his body was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.Minnie Sponner, of Kelso, Washington, arriving at Hutto on the morning ofFebruary 13th and his body was carried to his brother's home where at2:30 o'clock a short service was held by the writer and Rev. M. J. H.Woodard, of the Presbyterian church after which the body was laid to restin the Hutto cemetery.
Charles Hutto was married to Miss Mary Jane Flinn in November 1877, andto this union was born six children, two of whom preceded him to theother world. He leaves an invalid wife, four children, Hardie Homer,George Benjamin, Charles Howard, and Mrs. Minnie Sue Spooner, sixgrandchildren, five brothers and one sister with a host other relativesand friends to mourn his departure.
Brother Charles Hutto was converted and joined the M. E. Church, Southat Hutto he being the eighty eighth member of this organization. He livedfaithful to God and the church until the last.
May God bless the sorrowing ones and may the God that was a stay tohim in his last hours be a shield and a protector and a comforter an aguide through the rough places in life, and at last the bearer that shallbear them safely across the dark cold stream of Death and to a restingplace where our Savior has gone to prepare for us
Rev Chas. B. Diltzo
Nick name was "Jennie" or "Jenny" Death date identified as 1933 by RubyPietre
Seaborn is listed as age 12 in the 1870 ,Atascosa County , Texas, Censusrecords page 199.
Other records suggest Seab was born in February 22, 1854. This needs tobe researched further.Seaborn Newman is recorded in the 1880 Tax Assessment Rolls for propertyin Atascosa County, Texas as owning 15 horses or mules worth about$105.00.
As Seab had a brother named George, I found a George Newman in 1880 aswell.
Licence# 75 Issued Nov. 9, 1882 Recorded In The Marriage Records ofAtascosa County, Texas
These records covered the early mid 1800s through 1884. 1880 was the onlyinstance I found them although I have not research subsequent to 1884 atthis date.
1880 Census identify Renia as age 20