Came to Texas in Abt 1869 at the age of 16 years.
Buried in the York Creek Cemetery outside of New Braunfels
Was married in the St. Martin's Lutheran Church in Hortontown, a smalltown north of New Braunfels on present day loop 337.
Had 12 Children,
Celebrated their 60th Wedding anniversary in 1937
Elise came to America when she was 2 years old, which would be in theyear about 1857. She and her husband settled and raised a family in theYork Creek area East of New Braunfels, Texas. She and John Merz weremarried in the St. Martin Lutheran Church in Hortontown, Texas, an areanow in New Braunfels, on loop 337. The Church, St. Martin LutheranChurch, still stands and can be visited along with the Grave yard thatstands behind it. Elise was also baptized in the same church. Elise bornElise Strempel and her husband John celebrated their 60th weddingAnniversary in 1937. John and Elise had 12 children.
______________________________________________Obituary reads from the New Braunfels' Seiturg, 12/3/43
At 2:30 Am. 12/3/43 Elise Merz died at the age of 88, 3 months and 15days.
the deceased was born in Germany 8/18/1855. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs.Gottfried Strempel. She came to America at the age of 2 years old. Herparents settled in the York Creek area. She was married by pastor Kupferat the Hortontown St. Martin Church. She was baptized there also. Elisewas married in 1877 to John Merz and they had 12 children. 1 son and adaughter died. Her husband died in 1939. They celebrated their 60thanniversary in 1937. She was living with her daughter, Mrs. Glenwinklewhen she died. She became ill on 11/30 and died a few days later.
Survivors: 4 Sons Fritz, of Marion
Alvin of York Creek
Harry of Kingsbury
Bruno of New Braunfels
Mrs. (Ida) August Schubert of Banquete
Mrs. ( Alma Emma) Carl (Charlie) Schubertof York Creek
Mrs. Max Dumenfl of York Creek
Mrs. Hedwick Glenewinkle of York CreekMrs. Oscar Trapid of York Creek
30 grand children
34 great grand children
William moved from Elmore County, Alabama to Collins County , Texasbetween the 1870 and 1880 census records.
1880 Census records reflect both of William's parents as born in NorthCarolina
Known as W.D. Berry in most records.
1860 Alabama Census record for W. D. Berry in Montgomery County, Page 249reflect the following,
W. D. Berry age 38 birthplace North Carolina , OccupationOverseer ,
spouse , Matilda 38 birthplace South Carolinason, Isaac 13 birthplace Alabama ,
son , Wm. D. 11 birthplace Alabama ,
daug, Parthenia 10 birthplace Alabama ,
son , Thomas E. 8 birthplace Alabama ,
daug , Matilda 6 birthplace Alabama ,
son , Judson 5 birthplace Alabama ,
son , John 2 birthplace Alabama ,
son , Carey 8mo birthplace Alabama ,
1870 Census information is from Alabama, Elmore County, Census RecordsPage 139
(see picture in Scrapbook for Elmore County location) Montgomery Countyis right below Elmore
W. D. Berry is identified as a Farmer, age 48 ,
wife, Emma age 48 ,
son , Isaac is no longer identified in the home. He would have been age23 ,
son , William D. is no longer in his parents home. He would have beenage 21 ,
daughter , Parthenia, now age 20 , is referred to as Jane in the 1870census ,
son Thomas, age 18, is still in his parents home,
daughter , Matilda now 16 is referred to as Ida ,
son , Judson now 14 is still in his parents home ,
son , John is now 12 ,
son, Cary is 10 and
son, Evans is 4.****************************************************************************
1880 Census
W. D. Berry, a farmer, age 58 is listed in the in Collins County Texaspage 069.
Spouse Tildy age 58 ,
daug Babe age 22,
son John 20,
son Kearie 18,
son Evans 14,
step son William 10, Note: the fact that stepchildren are listedin error. We believe
step sister Vena 8, they belong to Isaac
step sister Anna 7,
step sister Ella 5,
**************************************************************************Birth and death dates used based on Cemetery book from Collins County.Buried in the Rowlett Creek Cemetery, Collins County, Texas
****************************************************************************Note June 1880 Census, Collins County, records reflect a W.D. Berry age35 and Thomas 28 living in a separate HH with their Aunt S.L. Adams age50. Thomas Age matches with prior records and W. D. at 35 appears a fewyears off of what should be 31 or so.
These appear to be the children of William D. Sr.. Therefore it islikely that Matilda was a sister to S.L. Adams. This would make her anAdams. Family tradition has it we are related to John Quincy Adams.Possible Matilda and S.L. Adams are descendants?
Buried in the Rowlett Creek Cemetery
The 1900 Collin County, Texas census lists Matilda living in thehousehold of Evans Berry and the birthplace of her father and mother islisted as North Carolina
Family tradition says that our Adams ancestry goes through PresidentAdams.
They say almost all families have a tradition that they are related toroyalty, or a president.
Regarding: John G. Speer's book references to Charles Ambrose Speer asAlbert on occasion.
I can't remember off the top of my head if it's on either of the marriagelicenses. I don't think it's on his death certificate. For what it'sworth, it's in Grandma Lou Emma's bible as Charles Ambrose and due tothe fact that John Grove Speer got her name wrong in his book amongothers, I've always stuck with Ambrose for the middle name.
His second marriage, her first. They had 11 children. My greatgrandmother Lou Emma was their oldest child. Information provided bySuellyn Lathrop 1/1998. Was living with Dau. Lou Ema Speer Gurley at thetime of her death, buried next to her parents in Pleasant Hill Cemetery,Oldham Co. KY.
by Hugh Davenport
The man for whom the town of Hutto, Texas, was named was born to JohnCastleberry and Nancy Holliday Hutto in Greenville, South Carolina, onMay 8, 1824. In 1830, the family moved to Huntsville, Madison County,Alabama, where his mother dies in 1836, when James Emory was twelve yearsold.
After a few years, he joined a group of twenty five persons immigratingto Texas which arrived January 16, 1847 and settled at Webber's Prairienear Austin. James Emory Hutto was a very capable and industrious personand immediately became involved in development of the Central Texas areaas well as providing for himself and the family he and Margaret Hughes orAlabama had began after their marriage in Texas, and this may indicateshe came to Texas at the same time J.E. did. He had helped GeorgeGlassock in building the first grist mill in Georgetown and was presentwhen the town was staked off and the first election was held in 1848.
Mr. Hutto moved his family to Williamson County in 1854 and whether byforesight or chance he selected land which provided the town site for thetown of Hutto when the I. & .G Railroad passed through his property someyears later. He was possibly preceded in the immediate vicinity by AdamOrgain, a freed slave of the Orgain family who owned land not farremoved. Also soon after James E. Hutto settled in the area, othersettlers acquired land for cattle raising and farming cotton and grains,especially in the area to the southeast where the small settlement ofShiloh was in existence. Early settlers in the area near the town to ___*who had considerable acreage were Hugh Goodwin, W. H. Farley, Sr. , andhis bachelor brother F. F. Farley.
In 1876, when the railroad came through the area, Mr. Hutto sold fiftyacres of land to the Texas Land Co. of New York for a town site,reserving five acres of the tract as a gift for the International andGreat Northern Railroad right-of-way through the town.
Mr. Hutto was a very successful operator and a respected civic leader inthe community where he was active in church and school activities. When aPost Office was established in 1877, he was appointed Postmaster.
Mr. Hutto and his wife, Margaret had a family of six sons and threedaughters, all of whom, except the last child Mary, reached adulthood inthe Hutto community. On May 27, 1881, his wife, Margaret, mother of allknown descendants, died and was buried along side the youngest daughter,Mary M., in the Shiloh Cemetery some three miles southeast of the town ofHutto, Texas. After about two years, later, Mr. Hutto, then fifty sevenyears of age, married Mrs. Nancy Jones. In 1885, he sold his holdings incattle, land and home and moved to Waco where it is understood that theformer Mrs. Jones had some relatives and where he planned to go into theImplement business.
It is not clear what interest Mr. Hutto had for the next few years as theWaco City directory of 1830 listed him only as a resident at the cornerof North 18th and Barron Streets. The next two years, a partnership ofsorts, was listed with a Thomas H. Killingsworth. Then from 1832 through1897, James E. Hutto Sr., was listed as operating an AgriculturalImplement business including carriages, wagons and buggies at 110 South8th Street.
Mr. Hutto's second wife died February 7, 1892, at approximately the sametime that he started his Implement business. On May 5, 1894, he marriedagain. This time to Mrs. Helen A. Wilder who outlived him by some twomonths after his death April 29, 1914, only nine days short of hisninetieth birthday. Her death came on June 27, 1914. James E. Hutto Sr.,his second wife and third wife, are buried on the same lot in Oakwoodcemetery in Waco, Texas.
In 1907, James E. Hutto Sr. made an application for a Confederate Pensionon the basis that his health and his age, 83 years, prevented him fromearning an income and that his finances were very strained. Theapplication for the pension was signed by James Saul and Sterling Orgainwho lived in the Hutto community and served with him in the ConfederateArmy during the Civil War. The pension, however, was turned down on thebasis that his wife had a small acreage in East Waco and it was notbelieved that he was in dire need.
Upon his death, an obituary from a Waco paper was lavish in its remarksregarding Mr. Hutto's character, his activities in church and charitiesand the caliber of his friends in the Waco area.
James' family moved to Madison County, Alabama where he lived until 1847when at the age of 23 he moved to Texas.
J.E. joined the 5th St. Church of Waco on 3/17/1889 by letter
The 1850 Census Travis, TX page. 134, Dwell. 15 lists J.E. Hutto and hiswife
Margaret (an Abner Scott is also listed in the household age 24). He is
listed as a 25 year old farmer born in SC and Margaret is listed as a 20
year old born in AL. They are shown as having been married within theyear.1860 census shows J.E. and Margaret born in Ala.
1880 Census, Williamson, County show
Birth Place Father's BPMother's BP
James E. Hutto 56 SC SC SC
Lu? wife 48 AL TNTN
R.B. w/m 22 TX SCAL
Genettie w/f 18 TX SCAL
Henery E. w/m 13 TX SCALC.W. Hutto 25 TX SCAL ( This is James 2 or 3 oldest)
M.J. 23 TN TNTN ( This is Mary Jane Flinn)
Hartey 9/ TX TXTN ( My grandfather)
John Flinn 19 Brother in law TN TNAlso listed is ( this might be one of James Son, the name and age areright)
James E. Hutto Jr. 28 TX SC AL
Lenora B. 20 TX TNMS
Margaret had a family of six sons and three daughters, all of whom,except for her last child Mary Margaret, reached adulthood in thecommunity of Hutto,Texas.
A hundred and twenty odd years after the fact.
On May 27, 1881, at the young age of 47, Margaret, mother of all knowndescendants of James E. Hutto Sr., died and was buried along side heryoungest daughter, Mary Margaret, in the Shiloh Cemetery some three milessoutheast of the town of Hutto, Texas.
We visited the Shiloh Cemetery in March, 1998 and found it an old andforgotten cemetery that is occasionally attended too. It is on a hillthat rises 20 ft above the surrounding terrain and is next to BrushyCreek. It was said that one could drive across the creek at the oldShiloh crossing which again is just down from the cemetery in a car a fewyears back. The location was supposed to have been on the Chisom trailand cattle drives crossed at this point frequently in years gone by.Shiloh was the primary town in the area before the Railroad was put in ,resulting in the founding of the town of Hutto. Over the years Shilohbecame a ghost town as Hutto prospered and the only reminder that thetown ever existed is the cemetery. The fact that the hill seems oddly outof place on the banks of the Brushy Creek, which by the way seems to flowyear round and is more like a clear stream than the old creek we allgrew up on with its blackish green color. I thought it, the hill, mighthave been an old Indian mound of sorts.
The grave of Margaret is over grown with saplings and weeds and thetombstone, a large tall pyramid styled marker lies on the ground. Thebase of the tombstone is tilted forward slightly as a result of the soilmoving over the many years it was placed there some 117 years ago.
The family plot is guarded by an old ornamental iron fence about 6' x 6',reflecting the style used in the late 1800s. Generally the enclosing of agrave plot with such a fence would be some indication of wealth on thepart of the family.
Three and 1/2 year old little Mary Margaret is buried next to hermother. Her mother, followed her daughter a short 8 years later indeath. Little Mary Margaret's tombstone is still in an erect positionbut some what soiled from the 125 years of weathering it has withstood.
Hugh Davenport, a local resident and friend of the Hutto family, sharedthat on occasion the sheriff's department would bring inmates out toclear the weeds and clean up the cemetery, but those activities have beensparse.
The iron fence surrounding the grave site is bent on the north end from acrushing fall of a large tree said Hugh. Hugh said he burned the oldtree stump out of the plot and a gapping hole, the size of a small treestares back at one as you view the scene. It looks like maybe the treewas there just yesterday, and yet there are no indications of anythinghaving burned.
Hugh said that he cleaned the grave site up 3 or 4 years ago.
The gate that allows entrance to the site is entangled in trees, saplingsof 2 and 3 inch diameter. I could not open the gate. Becky had to climbthe fence to get a closer look at the grave stones.
We plan to go back this summer and clean the site up. Maybe we canreposition the head stones base and reset the head stone of ourancestor.
There was a strangeness about seeing one's family grave site in a stateof disrepair. But then it was strange finding this old grave site andestablishing a connection to a person that I had never known but nowsome what mourn, after the fact. A hundred and twenty odd years after thefact.
1880 Census for Williamson County list J. E. Hutto's wife's parents asboth born in Tenn.
Notes provided by Thomas Hance Flinn III
John Carroll Flinn was born in Bolivar, Tennessee. He worked for a timefor a Teague as a saddle maker. He attended the University of Nashville.(Now Vanderbilt) I have an admission pass for John C. Flinn to attendDemonstrative Lectures on Anatomy for the Session of 1855 to 1856.
Lexington, Tenn. is where John and Susan lived during the Civil War.There home not being far from the battle at Parkers Crossing (Red Mound),John attended the wounded as well as the battlefield at Shiloh. He wasnot eligible for military service because he had a clubfoot.
After the war he migrated to Texas arriving in Round Rock on New Yearsday 1870. According to young Hal Flinn, he was offered 200 acresadjoining the then city of Dallas if he would stay and practice medicinethere. His wife wanted to go on to Round Rock where she could be near herAunt Mattie Blair, sister of James McGuire, who had raised her.
He eventually settled on a farm near Shiloh Crossing on Brushy CreekSoutheast of where the Town of Hutto would eventually be established. Hepracticed medicine there until he died.
John C. Flinn was listed twice in the 1850 census. I found him in theMadison county 1850 census records. He is in household 282. Additionallyhe is in the Hardeman County with his Grandpa Teague and Mom . He islisted as a Saddler in both Census records in the Madison County census,he is listed AS A SADDLER IN THE HOUSE HOLD OF A Joshua Estes, also asaddler, and family. The district is in Medon, was what I was told. Nowthe interesting info. In household # 280, 2 households down from theEstes house is another Now I also found the marriage records for John andSusan. The marriage license was issued 8 12 1853, The J.P. was G.W. McGure
have another death date of 1917? Thomas Hance says that Susan FrancesMcGuire's wedding was performed by G.W. McGuire, J.P.
Ruby Pietre shows Susan born in Medon, Tenn.
Per Fitzwater, Susan had Grey eyes and black hair
1880 Census Susan was living next to her Sister, Mary Louise McGuireMcMordie in Williamson County, Texas.
Elias is found in the 1840 Amite Co, Ms census records and the 1850 and1860 Census records of Lawrence Co, Ms.
1840 Census records 2 Adults with 1child, female under age 5
1840 Elias is living next to Hezekiah, his father
Evidence suggest Elias was married 3 times. Elias appears to have beenage 40 when he married Susan Nolen. The 1850and 60 Census records reflectElias Newman's trade was shoemaker. The Census records of 1860 reflectElias was from La. while the 1840 and 1850 census records reflect hisbirth in Ms.
the following is the information on page 81 of the 1860 Lawrence CountyCensus records.
Elias Newman age 50 Shoemaker
Susan 25
Sarah 9
Frances 7
George 5
Rosana 3
Elizabeth 1Why Seab does not appear in the house? Family tradition had him born inFebruary 22, 1854
The 1870 Census records suggested he was younger than that, age 12.That would make him born in 1858.
I'm more inclined to think he was with other relatives at the time of theCensus and or he was not born until after the census was taken.
Elias' last child appears to have been born in 1864 and was born inLouisiana. Evidence suggest that the Newman family moved from Mississippibetween 1862 and 1864 to Louisiana. Recent family tradition suggest thatElias was conscripted during the Civil War and was never heard from again.
As the Civil War was in progress at the time of their last daughter'sbirth, it is possible that Elias was killed in the war. I do not knowwhen Elias died, but evidently before 1870 at which time the family wasin Atascosa County.
Frances Newman, one of Elias and Susan's children married a Wiley FrankBrister. Thier decendents tell the story that after Elias death, WilliamBrister of Atascosa County, Texas, married Susan, Elias's widow and movedher to Texas.
The 1870 census records reflect 2 Brister children is in Susan's home, 1as having been born in Louisiana, Issac Brister b. 1865 and Emily age 1,born in Texas.
William is not present. It may well be that Susan was widowed againbefore 1870.
Susan appears to have taken up residence with a Mr. Juan Gonzales. Seenotes on Susan
She remarried a Mexican gentleman after the death of Elias. Mom thinksthey may have had some children. (Frances 97)
Nolen as Susan's Maiden name appears correct based on the 1850 marriagerecords in Mississippi which reflect Susan Nolen married a E Newman.Additionally Aunt Irene says she recalls that this was the last name ofthe family.
1870 Census in Atascosa county, page 199 ( very, very difficult to read)reflects the following
Juan Gonzales, age 23 birth place Mexico
Susan , age 36 Mississippi
G. W. Newman age 15 Mississippi.
Seaborn 12 "
Rosa or Rose Ann Newman age 11 Mississippi
Elizabeth age 9 Mississippi
Nancy 8 "
Susan B. 6 Louisiana
Brister, Isaac 5 " "
Brister, Emily age 1 TexasCensus records also include a hired hand , looks like E. Salazar
Susan and Elias also had an older daughter named Frankie. ( Frances )who was married to a William Brister based on family information passeddown over the years. The Brister children listed in the census may havebeen Susan's grandchildren and the children of Frankie.
1/98 See Scrapbook for Marriage record photo. The marriage recordinformation list a marriage licence issued to Susan Nolen and Elias orEllis Newman on April 25, 1850 in Lawrence County Mississippi. Inaddition to the marriage licence information, we find the family of Eliasand Susan in the 1860 census records still in Lawrence County,Mississippi. The family members from 1860 and 1870 census records are onein the same.
William Alexander Hesskew and Mary Ann (Anne Marie) Tronson were marriedon 12/19/1844 in San Antonio and to this union 14 children were born. 11lived Mary Ann Tronson was French and knew no English and William Hesskewknew no French. They both knew Spanish so the courted in Spanish. Aftertheir marriage he told her that she was in America now and had to learnEnglish. She did but spoke brokenly at the time of her death.
Note: Ida was listed on the 1870 Census while Moses Horry was not.
1880, 7 of the children were still in the home although Harry and Arrenywould marry in 2 1/2 years and presumable leave the household.
Facts: William was born in South Carolina but lived in Alabama previousto his arrival in Texas before or during 1835. William fought in theTexas Revolution. From October 9th to December 5, 1835 he was a member ofthe "Brazos Guard" originally commanded by James Fannin but later byCaptain John P. York. While with the Brazos Guard, William would haveparticipated in the Battle of Concepción, the Siege of San Antonio, andpossibly the "Grass Fight." From July 3rd to October 10, 1836 he was asoldier in a company originally commanded by Captain Robert Older butlater by Lieutenant Reoser.
For his service during the Texas Revolution William was awarded twotracts of land. One of these was 320 acres and the other was 1,280 acres.He was also awarded one third of a league of land (1,476 acres) due tohis having lived in Texas previous to the Texas Declaration ofIndependence.
In 1840 William was living in Bexar County. William participated in the"Vasquez Campaign of 1842" and was recognized by the Republic of Texasfor these efforts" In 1846, 1850 and 1860 he was living in GonzalesCounty. In 1870 he was in Refugio County, in 1878 in San Patricio Countyand in 1880 in Atascosa County. William had a brother named Moses whocame to Texas shortly after William. Moses married Levicey Higinbothamand they had several children.
Legends: One legend is that the Heskew family were originally Huguenotsfrom France who spelled the name differently and without the letter "H".According to other legends William was a Texas Ranger or an Indian scout.Written, researched and compiled by F. Scott Hinkle in Scottsdale,Arizona July 17, 1997
Katie Melissa (Stewart) Sanford papers
The Daughters of The Republic of Texas Library
Zachary Van Cleave of Uvalde, TX
Texas General Land Office - Archives and Records Division
Mary Esther (Van Cleave) Loftin of Pineville, MO
1840 Republic of Texas Census
Vernon A. Stokes of Phoenix, AZ
1846 Republic of Texas poll lists
Mary Anna (Stokes) Hinkle of Phoenix, AZ
1850, 1860, 1880, 1900, and 1910 U.S. Censuses (Texas)
Nancy D. (Stokes) Moyer of San Diego, CA
Texan Iliad: A Military History of the Texas Revolution Stephen L. Hardin
Texas State Archives Duel of Eagles: The Mexican and U.S. Fight for theAlamo Jeff Long Bexar County ArchivesTEXAS LAND GRANTS AND ARMY PAY TO WILLIAM HESSKEW
1. On February 1st, 1838 the Bexar County Board of Land Commissionersissued to William A. Hesskew - single man - a First Class Headright(unconditional certificate #83) good for 1/3 of a league (1,476 acres) ofland due to his having immigrated to Texas prior to the Texas Declarationof Independence on March 2, 1836. The land was surveyed on December 16th,1839 and was located in Atascosa County. The land was patented on January9th, 1846.
2. On August 15, 1881 Comptroller's Certificate #1178 was issuedauthorizing payment of $24.00 to William A. Haskew (sic) for 3 monthsduty in the army. This debt had been outstanding since 1836! In order toreceive this payment as well as the land certificate mentioned belowWilliam had to submit a Proof to Procure Land Certificate for Veteran ofwhich I have a copy in my possession.
3. On October 29, 1881 Veteran Donation Certificate #863 for 1,280 acreswas issued by the Texas General Land Commissioner to William A. Hesskewdue to his service in The Texas Revolution. The land was located andsurveyed in El Paso County (Moses Hesskew was the chain carrier duringthe survey.) but was never patented due to its being located on RailroadReserve Land.
4. # 82 Public Debt of the late Republic of Texas, Second Class "C" dated1838 or 1858 - recorded by MS
Written, researched and compiled by F. Scott Hinkle in Scottsdale,Arizona on January 17, 1998
Copies of all original documents cited above are in my possession.
Wm was supposed to have served in the Civil War under Capt. Wm. D. Goffin the Wilson Rifles, CSA, 1861.
My grandfather tells me that when he was a child his Aunt Lizzie had alarge
"flat sided" pistol which had belonged to William. Since Lizzie never had
children but only step children, there is no telling what became of it.Scott Hinkle
Mary Ann's brother
Hear say, was that Mary Ann's brother Joseph was an attorney in SanAntonio and fought in the Civil War. My research reflects that a JosephTronson did in fact participate in the Civil War Conflict but was acarpenter. (Ref: Texas Civil War Records )Mary was buried in Harper, Texas because she died while visiting adaughter there, the rivers were up and they couldn't transport her bodyback to Leming. The family always wanted to move her to Leming, butcould not afford to.
Mary Ann's name
If she came from France her name would be Marie Anne or Anne Marie, notMary Ann. Many immigrants changed their names to the English equivalentwhen they arrived in this country.Notes for MARY ANN TRONSON:
Mary Ann is said to have been a "little" woman. In 1910 Mary was livingwith her daughter Josephine, son-in-law Benjamin Franklin Stewart andtheir family in Frio County, Texas.
Written, researched and compiled by F. Scott Hinkle in Scottsdale,Arizona on July 17, 1997.
1910 U.S. Census for Frio County, Texas
Mary Anna (Stokes) Hinkle of Phoenix, AZTRONSON FAMILY ORIGINS
The odd thing is that Tronson is not a French surname. It is Swedish orNorwegian. I suspect that at some point in history a Swedish man settledin France and married into a local family thereby depositing his surnameinto the community from that time hence. Who was he and why was he inFrance? Was he a soldier travelling through during the Thirty Years Waror Napoleonic Wars? Was he a businessman, a diplomat, a student or evensimply a tourist? Who can say? We can only speculate.Written, researched and compiled by F. Scott Hinkle in Scottsdale,Arizona on January 16, 1998.
According to family legend William was helping move settlers from theTexas coast to San Antonio as a wagon train master, when he met Mary. Itis said that the courtship was difficult since he couldn't speak Frenchand she couldn't speak English. Fortunately they both knew some Spanishand were able to communicate.
Obviously all worked out well in the end since William and Mary wereissued a marriage license in San Antonio, Texas on December 13th, 1844and were married the same day by Justice of The Peace Lee. The witnesseswere W.J. Riddle and William Small. According to one piece of familyinformation they were married on the 16th. Unless a second ceremony washeld this is incorrect. According to family legend from multiple sourcesWilliam and Mary were married at the Alamo. This is somewhat puzzlingsince the Alamo was no longer a church at that time. Are the legends fromseveral family sources wrong or did they hold the ceremony at the Alamofor sentimental reasons or out of respect for it's history? Could it be asimple mistake such as "married near the Alamo" over a period of yearsbecoming "married at the Alamo"? Unless more clues are forthcoming onecan only speculate.
Written, researched and compiled by F. Scott Hinkle in Scottsdale,Arizona on January 16, 1998
Katie Melissa (Stewart) Sanford papers
Record of Marriage License and Marriage from the Bexar County Courthouse
C. Zachary Van Cleave of Uvalde, TX.
Nell (Stokes) Adams of Phoenix, AZ.