at some stage family may have migrated from NC to Georgia then Alabama.
Notes about who Matilda's father is. A debate between Lewis Adams andSamuel had gone on at one time.
Samuel Adams had lived in close proximity to the Berry's in DallasCounty. Samuel Adams is buried in the Bethel Cemetery in Dallas County ,Alabama. He was born in N.C. Jan. 6 1802 and died in Summerfield ,Alabama on Oct. 2, 1886.
Regarding Sam Adams, of Dallas County, Alabama who appears to have livedin close proximity to William and Matilda may have been Matilda's Unclerather than his daughter. If Matilda had been living in Macon County,Alabama for some time prior to her marriage, then it is doubtful that Samis her father (although I firmly believe that they are related).
It is possible that the Berry s lived in Macon county and Matildatraveled there to be married. However, I believe that the bride usuallyhas precedence on the place of marriage.
Lewis was identified as Matilda's father by John W. Berry.
Had Harrison as a possible maiden name before information from Nancy JaneMcCorkle Johnson
middle name probably was de Lafayette
Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 6th ed.,1887,
Oldham Co.JAMES M. RUNYON, an old and prominent farmer of Oldham County, was born in
Fayette County, Ky., near Lexington, July 31, 1822, the ninth of thirteen
children born to John and Sarah (Stout) Runyon, natives of Kentucky and
New Jersey. John Runyon was a farmer. In about 1848 he moved to Illinois
and lived and died there. Our subject followed farming from boyhood. He
settled where he now resides in 1853, and has 182 acres of good land all
well improved. In 1841 he married Jane, daughter of John and Sarah
Anderson, of Lexington, Ky. To this union was born one child, Sarah J.
Mrs. Runyon died in 1842, and in 1844 our subject married Louisa Young,
daughter of Michael and Emily Young, of Shelby County. To this union were
born six children: Annie E., James E., Mary L., William A., Fannie E.,
Michael N. Of these James E. is deceased. The family are members of the
Christian Church.Runyon Stout Anderson Young
Lexington-Fayette-KY Shelby-KY IL NJ
death month may be March or April
In 1820 James Reese died. James was the step-son of William Holliday.John Hutto also bought at this sale as did Nancy Holliday.
The family is presumed to be from Greenville, South Carolina. In 1830,the family moved to Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama, where NancyHolliday dies in 1836 after having 6 children. John remarried in 1840 toRebecca Baker with whom he had 5 children.
I list William H. Hughes as a possible here on the simple basis that hewas in Madison County Ala., in the 1830 Census.
The family story was that Margaret was from Alabama as well as the Huttofamily. This is a premise based only on the facts above and willrequire more research to validate the notion that William is the fatherof Margaret
Tenn. 1830 Census page 375 reflect an Isiaiah Flin in Hardeman Co. Thehousehold consist of 4 individuals.
1 male age 0-5 - This may be John Flinn
1 male 15-20 - who is this individual?
1 male 20-30 -Should be Isaiah age 22
1 female age 15-20 - presumable Rhoda nee Teague Flinn age 17Note that the family name was spelled Flin rather than Flinn at this timeand it was Flin up until the time of John Flinn's marriage to Susan.
Buried in Old Clover Creek Cemetery, on County line of Madison andHardeman County, Tenn.
Directions to Old Clover Creek Cemetery :
On County Line between Madison and Hardeman Counties. Traveling South onHwy. 18 from Medon, Tennessee, go about 1 mile, turn right up countrylane named Jared Lane or Rd. At the first house, about .10 (tenth) of amile off Hwy 18, take the field road South which goes by the barnassociated with the Jared House to the cemetery. The Cemetery is about100 yards off the road south of the barn.Isaiah Flinn and Joseph Wood were identified as Legal Bond for themarriage of Isaiah Flinn and Rhoda Teague.
Marriage Bonds
The intent of a marriage bond is to protect the Register of Probates fromliability of authorizing an unlawful marriage. In a bond, the groom bindshimself to the court, attesting that there should be no lawful impedimentto the marriage.
The information recorded in most marriage bonds includes: names of twopersons binding themselves to the Register of Probates or Court ofOrdinary (usually the groom and another man), date of the bond, amount ofthe bond (usually substantial), name of the bride and groom to bemarried, and conditions of the obligation.
Marriage bonds were recorded from the Colonial Period through roughly the1840’s. However, few of these early marriage bonds exist. Those thatexist for the Colonial Period are found in Colonial miscellaneous legaldocuments.
Other death dates list Isiah's death date as 5/28/1838. Giles collectionreflects death date as 5/28/1838 as well as Cemetery book.
Buried in Old Clover Creek Cemetery, on County line of Madison andHardeman County, Tenn, next to her husband Isiah Flinn.
I have seen Rhoda identified as Rhodas Ann and Rhoda Wood Teague.
The Wood may have been her mother's maiden name.
From the Tenn Archives
1855 wb-6-74 (Ma). We received that referenced document is a probate fordistribution of funds to the minor children of James McGuire after thedeath of their guardian Henry S. Parker. These minor children were GeorgeB., Susan F., David P., and Mary McGuire.
As to what happened to James McGuire.
The more I thought about the family stories and American History, thereis a good chance that James became a 49er.
The Family stories have Rachel 's death in 1847 but do not mention Jame'sdeath. He may have as a single man in late 48 , early 1849 took to thegold mines of California and was never heard from again.
Well at least it sounds more romantic than he just disappeared.
Name may have been Marinda Bailey
Hezekiah was enumerated in Amite Co. , MS as early as 1810, and recordsreflect he Bought land in 1832 . Other Newmans identified at the timewere Solomon and George Newman. It may be that these men were all relatedbut we have a bit more research to do to prove that.
Per the a book entitled "JOHN COCKERHAM, Barnwell District, SC -- AmiteCounty, MS AND HIS DESCENDANTS" (A Progress Report) , the burial site forboth Hezekiah and Nancy is listed as unknown. It is suggested that theyare in unmarked graves in the old Cockerham Cemetery in Amite County, MS
Hezekiah was a successful farmer,in Amite Co for many years raising 9children. He apparently lived in peace with his neighbors and relativesas he did not appear in the books of Final Judgements as suing or beingsued for "trespass" which seemed to cover everything from theft to bodilyassault. He first appeared on the Amite County Tax Rolls in 1811. Heserved as a private in the War of 1812 in Lieut. Col. Neilson'sDetachment Mississippi Militia in Capt. William A Lucas' Company.
This family appeared on the 1830 Amite Co, Ms census, p 40:
Hezekiah Newman 1 M 40-50 1F 20-30
1 M 30-40 1F -5
1 M 15-20
1 M 10-15
1 M 5-10
1 M -5In 1833 when the canvass was made by the Amite and Florida AuxiliaryBible Society for the purpose of ascertaining all families "...of AmiteCounty who are destitute each of a full copy of the holy scriptures..."in Captain Lea's beat, Thomas Tarver, Hezekiah Newman, Thomas Cockerhamand Abram Rushing. 31
In Jan of 1849, Seaborn Newman, Silas Newman and Elizabeth Newman, minorsover the age of 14, and their father Hezekiah Newman having waived hisrights, asked that the Court appoint James Eubanks their guardian.32 Onthe same day, James H. Lowry appointed James Eubanks Guardian of minorsSeaborn Silas, Elizabeth and Martin Newman, their petition showing "theyare minors more than fourteen years of age and sons and daughter ofHezekiah Newman...they are heirs at Law of the Estate of David CockerhamDecd., late of the State of Louisiana
.... Bond was set at $400, Geo F. Webb, Bondsman.33 No records werelocated to show whether this resulted in any benefit to the minors ofNancy (Cockerham) Newman.
Nancy (Cockerham) Newman died at her home on 21 Oct 1843. HezekiahNewman died 3 December l85O. Their place of burial is unknown. They wereprobably buried in unmarked graves in the old Cockerham Cemetery in AmiteCounty.
On 10 December 1850, James Eubanks applied for letters of Adm. on theestate of Hezekiah Newman deceased; Adm. was granted. Bond set at $400,James Cockerham and Davie Myers Bondsmen. Appraisers were appointed andthe court ordered the Adm. advertise for all persons having claimsagainst the estate of 36 Hezekiah Newman to present them. On 17 Dec 1850James Eubanks was granted permission to sell on a credit of six monthsthe perishable property of the estate. Several claims were presented andallowed.37 On 20 Jan 1852 Solomon Newman petitioned the court for lettersof guardianship of minors Silas Newman and Martin Newman. Letters ofGuardianship were approved, bond set at $300, James Eubanks and WilliamG. Davis, Bondsmen.
After the death of their Father, Solomon Newman was Guardian of (Page216)his minor brothers Silas and Martin. In 1859 he made application forbounty land for these minors and also for minor Seaborn Newman on theservice of Hezekiah Newman in the War of 1812.
The basis for identifying Moses Haskew as the father of William and MosesHesskew of Texas is based on a Will from Selma Alabama. This needs to beexplored further.
Speculation on name of Mother of Moses and William. Several childrenwere named after who I presume to be their mother. It may be that WilliamE was their fathers name although other family members speculate it couldbe Moses Sr.
The documents I have read are a marriage certificate for Jean Tronson andJeanne Simon, the birth certificate of their daughter Anne Marie Tronson,and the Record of the ship the Tronson family came over to Texas on.
On March 31st 1824 in the town of Clery Le Grand, Jean Tronson (age26years, 3months, 7 days (therefore b. 12/24/1797); son of AntoineTronson (a farmer) and Marie Anne Petit-pas) married Jeanne Simon (age30years, 10months, 10 days (therefore b. 5/21/1793); daughter of HenrySimon (a farmer) and Guhennes Broches).
On March 15, 1826 at 10PM, at their home in the same town, a daughter wasborn to them who they named Anne Marie Tronson.
In abt.1834 they had a son and named him Joseph Tronson.
On October 12, 1842 the family of four left Paris on board the Americanship Ebro commanded by Captain E. Perry. Many of those on board were fromthe same area of France (Meuse) as the Tronson family. On November 2,1842 they arrived in Galveston, Texas. (Perhaps this is where and whenWilliam first saw Mary Ann.)
These few facts solve several mysteries.
1. Anne Marie came over with her parents and brother. Non French speakershave seen the Oct. 23,1842 date on Jean and Jeanne's marriage certificateand assumed that was when their wedding date and therefore came to theconclusion that they could not have been her parents. The 1842 date wasNOT the wedding date. It was simply the date on which the Tronsonsobtained certified copies of vital records from the French government.This would have been both prudent and necessary before emigrating toTexas.
2. Joseph was definitely Anne Marie's (Mary Ann's) younger brother.
3. On the 1860 census a 60 year old male and native of France named JaneTonson was living with the Hesskew family. This was Mary Ann's fatherJean Tronson. Back in France Jean had been a farmer (cultivateur).
There is a lot more in there and it will be awhile before I can take thetime to give you all word for word translations. Meanwhile, I thought I'dgo ahead and send you some of the basic facts. I hope you enjoy them.
Scott Hinkle
In your story of Castroville, I noticed that of the signers of a documentpraising Castro was Michael Simon. Would this be the same Michael Simonwho was the uncle of Anne Marie Tronson,
brother of her mother, Jeanne Simon? Bobby Hutto