Maria Watermeyer was from Godelheim in Nordrhein-Westfalen near Hoexter.
Did I send you this picture of the church our Schubert ancestorsworshipped in
in Hoexter?Greg
Farmer by trade
Kentucky Oldham County Court
November Term 1856
A paper purporting to be the last will and testament of John Speer dec'd
was produced in Court and was proved to be such by the oaths of James F.Wilson and D. L. Freeman the two subscribing witnesses thereto andordered to be recorded - which is done accordingly Brent Hopkins clk
? Taylor DC ?
Acoky A? S Taylor DC for?
John F Rodman ClkIn the name of God Amen - I John Speer of Oldham County in State ofKentucky, Knowing the uncertainty of human life and being in feeblehealth but of sound mind and disposing memory think proper to arrange myworldly concerns in such manner as I decide best- I therefore make thismy last will and testament and I first - after all my just debts are paidit is my will and desire that the property that I possess shall bedisposed of as follows viz:
Item 1st - It is my desire that I be laid to rest in my Family grave yardnear my dwelling and that the said grave yard be set apart forever for aburial place and not transferable and not to be appropriated to any otheruse including an ? of one quarter of an acre with the privilege of theright of way and for access to the same from the Curry road. The saidGraveyard I desire to have included with a good stone wall and an irongate to the same -
Item 2nd - Its is my will that all my property with the exception of thespecial bequests both real and personal shall be sold by my executorshere in after appointed so ? as practicable and refer the terms they maythink best for the interest of my heirs and of the money I may have onhand at the time of my demise and the first accruing from the sale of myproperty. It is my will that three thousand dollars be set apart andsecurely vested the interest accruing from which to be annually collectedand paid over to my beloved wife Mary during her lifetime for her usecomfort and maintenance -
Item 3rd - I will and bequeath to my beloved grandson John Henry Speer ayellow Filly now in my possession-
Item 4th - It is my will that my son Marquis D Speer shall have all myland on the East side of Curry's fork - known as the Asher place providedhe is willing to pay my executors for the benefit of my heirs twenty for?Dollars per acre. If he does not agree to take it at that rate it is tobe sold to the highest bidder if he takes said land he is to pay at thesame time and like payments as the other land is sold for.
Item 5th - It is my will that after the special bequests and legacieshere to fore named that the money arising from the sale of my propertyreal and personal and from all other sources be distributed among myheirs so as to make them equal. I have at various times made (themscratched out) advancements to several (times scratched out) of mychildren all of which is charged to them in my account book. It is mywish that as the money is collected it shall be pass over to those whohave had the least advancements until they are all made equal with theone that has received the greatest and then an equal division of theremainder of my (blank space) be made among the heirs-
Item 6th - It is my will that my sons Marquis D Speer and James M Speerbe and I hereby appoint them my Executors of this my last will andtestament and empower them to pass deeds and bills of sale for the landsand Negroes? when sold and do not require them to give security in Courtfor the performance of their duties as Executors - Given under my handthis November 7th 1856
attestJames F Wilson
D L Freeman
John Speer seal
Sue Lathrop
Fri Mar 7 22:40:57 1997
Looking for information about John H. Runyon, d. Fayette Co., after April1811. Possible father of John Runyon b? d in IL after 1848, md.February. 1807 or February. 1808 to Sarah/Sally Stout. Was Sarah'sfather Anthony? Children of John and Sara (Stout) Runyon - so far - areJames M., Jennett, Margaret, Susan, Sarah H. and Mary Ann.Subject: Re:Runyon
Date: 95-07-08 14:39:59 EDT
Posted on: America OnlineI'm working on Runyon family out of Kentucky. All printed genealogiesI've seen indicate an early arrival in the New Jersey area. FrenchHuguenot background. I can't make a connection between the early NJgroups and my "first" Runyon in Kentucky. Although several in theprinted genealogies indicate that the families moved to Kentucky.Missing links!! My first is John Runyon who married Sarah StoutFebruary. 1 or 12, 1808 in Fayette Co., KY. The Stouts were also a NJfamily.
There is a North Carolina bunch of Runyon that have been written up asdescendants of a Barefoot Runyon. So the emigration patterns aren'tclear yet. Good luck. Let me know if you think we are connected.
USGENWEB Web page Coordinator for
Clark/Floyd/Dubois Co,IN
Shelby/Pulaski/Unknown co,KY
My home page: 4/98 - Runyon Ancestry from James M Runyon is at odds currently. Ihave the materials based on the work of Tom Runyan linking James withJohn Hyde Runyon as his father but there is the question of who James'smother was. Tom Runyan says it was Patty Barrett , while Suellyn takesthe exception that James M Runyon father is just "John" married to SarahStout?
Work needs to be done on this.
Marriage dates need to be reviewed? and possible death date for PattyBarrett
Ref: G G 27, page 290, shows wife as, Susan last name unknown Berta EthelYoung Olsen's work on the Goodnight Family, 1948, page 12, wife EmilyWawker? G G 29, pg 12, shows wife as Susan
Military service in Georgia, No. R5149 [A rejected claim] Pickens Dist.,SC 3-30-1852 personally appeared William Holliday, resident of GreenvilleDist., SC age 88. He volunteered under Capt. Walker in Wilkes Co.,Georgia in the Rev. War “when he was but a youth to continue during thewar.” Maj. John Rhines, other officers not recollected. Marched toAugusta and was there at [Elijah] Clark’s defeat. He marched throughGeorgia, SC and was in battles in Augusta, at Wrightsborough which townwas burned by the Whigs on driving out the British.” He served underthese same officers for two years and six months and was honorablydischarged, though not in writing. He did not know the necessity ofgetting and preserving such a thing, and now at his advanced age he isunable to recollect, to tell anything like a connected account of hisservice.
In answer to the questions submitted by the War Dept. He answered:
Born in Columbia Co., Georgia 2-7-1764. His sister has his father’sBible, in which his birth is recorded, and which he had seen severalyears ago. Holliday lived in Wilkes Co., Ga., when he entered service andremained there until about 40-50 years ago when he came to SC. He was avolunteer, serving with no regular unit, and received no writtendischarge. Persons of respectability whom he has known and who cantestify to his character are Dr. John C. Sullivan, John Bagwell, AustinWilliams, Esq., Hiram Cooly, Hon. T.E. Ware and Capt. Adam Jones.Signed- William (X) Holliday.
Affidavit of Rev. Israel Chapman and Stephen Smith, both of PickensDist., SC, are acquainted with Holliday, and say he is believed in theneighborhood to have had Rev. Service. Same date.
Signed-Israel Chapman and Stephen Smith.Greenville Dist., SC 2-18-1856, personally appeared Mrs. Elizabeth Pike,aged about 87, who has known William Holliday, a Rev. Soldier, nearly allher life. Her father Daniel Johnson lived near Augusta, Ga., during Rev.and was a soldier the greater part of the war. It was about the
time Gen. Clarke, in whose army her father was serving, marched againstthe British at Augusta, that she became acquainted with Holliday, who wasthen in a company commanded by Capt. Walker in Gen. Clarke’s army.During the siege of Augusta, Holliday came with her father to herfather’s house and had a wound in one of his thighs, which he said wasreceived at the siege of Augusta, and which Mrs. Pike remembered havingassisted in dressing. She was also informed that Holliday was appointed
a Lt. For his good conduct at this siege. Holliday remained at herfather’s house until his wound had healed, then returned to duty withher father Daniel Johnson in service under Gen. Clarke, against theIndians in Georgia and East Tennessee, as she was informed, until peace
was declared. William Holliday afterward moved to Greenville Dist., SCwhere Mrs. Pike
had also settled, and married a woman by the name of Cooly. Holidaystill resides in Greenville Dist., and is the identical person whom sheknew as a soldier in the War of the Revolution. Signed-Elizabeth (X)Pike.Pickens Dist., SC 4-5-1852,
personally appeared John Bagwell, who said he saw “Little WilliamHolliday” in service in the Revolution marching through SC under Gen.Clark from his defeat at Augusta, Walker the Capt. They were from WilkesCo., GA. Bagwell stated he saw no more of Holliday until after peace,when Holliday moved to SC and lived in the same neighborhood ever since.Holliday had told Bagwell of the battles he was in, and the times andplaces of these battles. Bagwell believes Holliday to have served thetime stated, and added “the said Holloday is a good
citizen and much to be relied on and worthy of his pension.
Signed-John (X) Bagwell.Georgia State, 4-24-1784,
William Holloday, a Citizen, is entitled to 250 acres of land as Bountyagreeable to an act and Resolve of the General Assembly... Elijah Clark,Col. “By his order M. Freeman” Georgia (No. 1135), William Holloday, Lt.,a citizen, is entitled to 250 acres of land as bounty, as certified by E.Clark Col., “Given under my Hand, at Savannah, the 25th day of March1784.
-J. Houstown (Houston), attest D. Rees, Sec.Pickens Dist., SC 1-14-1854,
personally appeared Martha Roe, who has known William Holliday in Wilkesco., GA before he enlisted, knew that he enlisted under Capt. Walker,attached to the command of Gen. Clarke, and that she saw him on the marchfor the City of Augusta under the command of Walker. She knows Hollidayserved at one time 10 months in the Rev., and how much more she cannot becertain. She has known Holliday ever since.
Signed-Martha Roe.Testimony of William Steele, Sec. Of the Exec. Dept., State of Georgia,attesting to the copies of Holliday’s bounty documents as being “correctCopies of original Certificates, which are on file in this Dept.”7-23-1853.
Contributed by Miss Kate Holliday, Athens, GA 30601 to "THE GEORGIAGENEALOGIST",
Editor, Mary B. Warren, Danielsville, GA (now Athens, GA, HeritagePapers)
p. 7 “Our People Lives and Legends1800 census William Holiday 11100/21010, 0 slv.
(William's age should be 26-45. Nancy was about 10 years older thanWilliam.)
Nancy Cooley, daughter of Jacob Cooley of Pittsylvania Co., VA andGreenville Dist., SC. Nancy was the widow of David Reese** when shemarried William Holliday. Her Reese children can be proven but herchildren by William Holliday
cannot be proven with any certainty. Nancy Cooley & David Reese hadJacob, James and Elizabeth Reese.It can be proven that Nancy Cooley Reese Holliday was alive in 1807 whenher father deeded her a Negro. She had died by 1816 when her father’sGreenville Dist. undated will was recorded Nancy was surely dead by c1810 as William Holliday and his second wife, Sarah/Sallie Cothran, had adaughter born 1811.
5 Jul 1798- By this date David Reese is dead, Jacob Reese is an orphan &William Holliday is in Greenville Dist., SC (State of SC vs David Jones.David Jones shot Jacob Reese' horse in the rear... On purpose. JacobCooley was guardian of Jacob Reese.)
Peggy Chapman
The Document on file in Hardeman County, Tenn reflecting that a IsiahFlinn received a Deed of trust from Jesse Pipkin June the 11 1838, inHardeman County.
This information suggest that the a fore mentioned Isiah was the fatherof the younger Isiah Flinn, b. April 23, 1807.
The fact that the younger Isiah who passed away on either April 14, 1838or May 28 1838, was after after the deed was executed.
The possibility of another Isiah Flinn existing in Hardeman County seemsslim.
John C. Teague, a miller and surveyor, born in Laurens County, SouthCarolina, son of William Teague, (23 November 1763-23 September 1846) andhis wife Elizabeth Miller, moved with his parents to Wilson County,Tennessee and then to Hardeman County. He married Nancy Teague, born1748 in North Carolina, died in 1861 in Hardeman County. They are bothburied in Clover Creek Cemetery although no head stone exist for Nancy.
Information used as excerpt from History of Hardeman County with commentsby Elizabeth Greer McMasters
Also have that John was from Mechlenburg, North Carolina . source unclear
Why John's wife, Nancy, was not listed in the census of 1850 is a puzzleif she did not die until 1861?
It appears John was associated with
Tennessee State Library and Archives Historical and GenealogicalInformation reflect
Last Name First , Name Date Serial No. Chapter & Section Description
Teague John 1837 43 288.3 Hardeman Co. - Bolivar and Jackson TurnpikeCompany commissioner
Last name presumed to be Wood
108. Campbell (possible) McGuire
Campbell McGuire who sold a slave to James. See bill of Sale dated Aprilrth, 1847. This could be a basis to link him as the father of James andJohn McGuire.
My translation of the name of Henry Simon's wife on the Marriage licensefor Jeanne and Jean appears to differ from Scott's. Goeheme Brochet is avery common French name. In the margin that document says in French"Marriage de Jean Tronson de Jeanne Simon". In the second paragraph inthe 4th line it says: "fille (daughter)de (of) Henry Simon cultivator(farmer) et (and) Goeheme Brochet ses (her) pere et mere (father andmother) et habitants (and inhabitants) de (of) cette (this) commune(town)." Take a look and see if her father's wife's name looks correctto you as Goeheme Brochet. By the way, in the birth certificate forJeanne Simon it appears another mother may be listed. (Perhaps her "real"mother died and her father remarried??)