Fought in Revolutionary War, was a private and enlisted in Culpepper Co.Virginia under the command of Capt. Vaughan.
Death date and location by other researchers is at odds with Suellyn'sdates. need to clarify
other researcher
12587 ALMA
This information was secured from Hugh Davenport and is unverified
1761- 1845
William Teague was born Nov. 23, 1761 in Rowan County, N. Car. He diedSept. 23, 1845 in Wilson County, Tenn. On July 3, 1785 in Laurens County,S. Carolina, he married Elizabeth Miller, born June 22, 1768 in LaurensCounty, the daughter of John and Sarah Mary Anderson Miller. A statementconcerning his Revolutionary War service was carried in Volume I, Pgs.19-20. Along with this information in the Archives was a page from thefamily Bible showing the births of their first five children, togetherwith a notation dated in 1841 indicating a total of eleven children bornto this couple. These are reproduced along with this article. We can thenbe positive of the five children. The next five children we can offer nopositive proof. The eleventh child we believe to be their son as Deeds soindicate. To date we have not been able to secure a contact with adescendant of any of the daughters of William and Elizabeth Miller. Thiswould perhaps be most helpful.
There are males attributed by tradition as being sons and by later censusrecords they show to have been born before 1800. Census records of 1790and 1800 do not verify this. The 1820 census of Wilson County, Tenn.lists a James Teague shown as being of the same age group as WilliamTeague. We have never located anything concerning this James Teague andit is entirely possible that some of the children reputedly belonging toWilliam could be children of James. We do not rule out the possibilitythat this particular James could be a brother of William. (Volume I, Pg.91)
When our research was done in Wilson County, Tenn. our time was verylimited and we were not at all satisfied with results. We do not have amember in this area to research for us. There are many legal records butwe found the earlier ones not indexed and it would require two weeks orlonger in order to make a detailed search. A search needs to be made forcemeteries in the area. We have no cemetery records. There is also thegreat possibility that some of the descendants of the daughters could befound living in Wilson County
Perhaps one of the many descendants of this couple will be inspired topursue this. If so, we will be glad to detail to them the background workalready accumulated. It has been the policy of our Association to securesome documentary- evidence before relying on tradition. We feel sure youwill appreciate the position we take on this family lineage.
1. John Teague b. June 21, 1786
2. Rebecca Teague b. May 13, 1788
3. Margaret Teague b. Feb. 5, 1790
4. Sarah Teague b. Feb. 1, 1792
5. James Jefferson Teague b. Feb. 2, 1794
6. Israel Teague b. ca 1796
7. Elizabeth Teague b. ca 1798
8. Dolly Teague b. ca 1800
9. Joshua A. Teague b. ca 1802
10. Polly Ann Teague b. ca 1804
11. Abner Teague b. 18061. John Teague married Nancy. He moved from Wilson County, Tenn. toHardeman County, Tenn.
Vol. 3 & 4 page 68 of the Teague Family Magazine printed in the 1970s
Tenn Pension
List for 1835 and found William Teague of Wilson County. A soldier in the
South Carolina Line. He received $26.66 a year and had received $79.88 .His
pension started May 3, 1833. He was listed as 73 years old.Source for above pension info was the Tennessee State Archives