buried Rocky Hill, Somerset Co., N.J.
758. Christopher Christian Landers
surname may have been Landis
Ref: G G 27, page 203 For years, we searched and searched trying toidentify the parents of Mary Landers/Landis without sucess until recentlywhen we received records from Robert McAlear of Nice, CA. He wrote:"Chistopher Landess died in 1771 and his estate was inventoried andentered in the October Court Session of 1771. (Mecklenburg Co. Estates1762-1929, NC State Archives). Among the buyers at the estate sale were:John Landis/Lanish, Widow Landis/Landish, MICHAEL GOODNIGHT, HenryLandis/Landish, CHRISTIAN GOODNIGHT, Eve Landish." "Since we know thatMichael Goodnight married a Mary Landess, it does not seem out of placefor him to buy at this estate sale. Incidently, Christopher's name isoften given as Christian in the estate sale documents. It would seem thatMARY was a sister of JOHN, HENRY and possibly EVE or Eva. This would makea total of four children of Christopher/Christian, if indeed the latterwas the father and not a brother. One item in the estate sale seems to beparticularly significant: the WIDOW was alloted L32-19-5 while the 'sevenlegatees' were granted L18-0-3 each. This would suggest there were seven'heirs' other than the widow. The object is to find the remaining threeheirs. The problem is very nicely solved in the October session of theMecklenburg County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1787: (in part)...said monies to be paid...for the orphans of Christopher Landess,dec,d., viz: JACOB, FELIX & ELIZABETH..." "This record, together with thenames found in the estate sale, would seem to provide a record of the'seven legatees' and since we know three were orphans ofChristopher/Christian, it follows that these seven were all of hischildren."
Was to have moved from Cecil County, Maryland to Fredrick Co. , Virginiain 1737 and then to Rowen Co., North Carolina in 1751. Source MikePulsipher
William sold his father's land in 1714 at the age of 21. A deed forWilliam in Cecil County, MD, states that he is planning to leave CecilCounty. He migrated to Frederick Co., VA c1737. Deeds in Frederick Co.,VA show the names of three of his sons. He left Frederick County, VAc1751 for the Carolinas.